2019 Texas State Bluegrass Champions Announced

The Texas Bay Area Bluegrass Association have announced the winners of the 2019 Texas Bluegrass Championships.

The Championships were held in Pearl, Texas in conjunction with their monthly meeting. Each competition has a limit of fifteen competitors. Walnut Valley Festival rules are used for the competition.

First Place Winner of the Texas State Flat Pick Guitar Championship is Chapman Welch, Pearland, Texas. Chapman won cash and entry to the National Flat Pick Guitar Championship. Second Place Winner is Scott Owen, Rowlett, Texas. Scott receives cash for his second place wins. Third Place winner is Samuel Smith from Mesquite, Texas. Samuel receives cash for his third place win.

First Place Winner of the Texas State Banjo Championship is sixteen-year-old Riley Gilbreath, from Crowley, Texas. Riley wins cash plus entry in the National Bluegrass Banjo Championship. Second Place Winner is Mark Krider, from Athens, Texas. Mark wins cash for his efforts. Third Place Winner is Ethan May from San Saba, Texas. Ethan wins cash for competing.

First Place Winner of the Texas State Mandolin Championship is Chip Bach, from Cedar Park, Texas. Chip receives cash plus entry in the National Mandolin Championship. Second Place Winner is Scott Owen, Rowlett, Texas. Scott receives cash for his second place wins. Third Place winner is Samuel Smith from Mesquite, Texas. Samuel receives cash for his third place win.

The first place winners of each Texas State Championship are invited to compete in the National Flat Pick Championships in Winfield, Kansas hosted by the Walnut Valley Festival, September 18th through 22nd, 2019.

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