2022 Feisty Music Camp for Kids

Feisty Music Camp Logo

Walnut Valley Festival invites you to take part in our Feisty Music Camp for Kids! The two-day event will give children the chance to take part in hands-on, music-related crafts, workshops and concerts.

Walnut Valley Festival thanks  Great Plains Dulcimer Alliance and Winfield Arts and Humanities Council for letting us borrow instruments again this year and for their support of Feisy Music Camp for Kids.

Kids dancing at Feisty's Kids Music Camp
Kids learning new instruments at Feisty's Kids Music Camp
A special concert for participatns of the Fesity's Kids Music Camp


The camp welcomes kids from pre-school through 6th Grade


Each session will have a theme or focus to give kids a chance to choose which activity they want to do.


Stage 6, in West Campground


Friday & Saturday, Sept. 16-17, 1-4:30pm


  1. PLAN ON ARRIVING 10 MINUTES BEFORE SESSION’S START.  You will be asked to sign a release for each child participating.  This gets the child into that session and any subsequent sessions desired.  Children can return later (with a parent or guardian) for a different session if desired.  Space is limited; first come, first served.
  2. Parents or guardians are required to remain onsite to observe the excitement first-hand.


Music Camp Organizers Erin Mae and Aaron Fowler will be organizing and operating the camp, and all have a wealth of experience to draw on.

Erin Mae has brought American music education into public schools, home school co-ops, libraries, churches, foster care programs and summer camps. An accomplished musician, she won the national Mountain Dulcimer Championship at Winfield in 2004. She went on to study classical piano at Sterling College, KS, before pursuing a degree in commercial music, with an emphasis in bluegrass and acoustic jazz, through South Plains College in Texas. After graduation, she began touring full- time as part of the duo Scenic Roots.  Erin is now a full-time free-lance mountain dulcimer and kids folk music educator.

Aaron Fowler is a touring musician, storyteller and teaching artist. He has been making music since he was 16 years old! His greatest joy is getting folks to sing together. Whether a group of 4-year olds in a preschool classroom or a group of elders in a Hospice center, the world is changed when we make music together. Aaron is member of the Wolf Trap Early Learning Through the Arts, National training team (Vienna VA), a teaching artist with Arts Partners (Wichita, KS) a Young Audiences Affiliate and a national touring singersongwriter. Aaron is a member of Local 1000 and serves as the US Vice President of the American Federated Musicians Local 1000 Touring Musicians union. 


Friday, September 16 from 1:00pm to 4:30pm

  • 12:45 to 1:00 – Carp Camp Parade from Information Booth to Stage VI
  • 1:00 to 1:30 – Sing-a-longs with Ann Zimmerman
  • 1:30 to 2:00 – Kids Concert with a surprise guest
  • 2:00 to 2:30 – Rhythm Workshop – make your own rhythm instrument and play together
  • 2:30 to 3:00 – Dulcimers / Ukulele – instruments provided or bring your own 
  • 3:00 to 3:30 – Folk Dancing 
  • 3:30 to 4:00 – KIds Concert with a surpise guest
  • 4:00 to 4:30 – Kids Jam – bring your own instrument or play a provided dulcimer, ukulele, or percussion instrument

Saturday, September 17 from 1:00pm to 4:30pm

  • 12:45 to 1:00 – Carp Camp Parade from Information Booth to Stage VI
  • 1:00 to 1:30 – Instrument Petting Zoo
  • 1:30 to 2:00 – Folk Dancing
  • 2:00 to 2:30 – Bones Workshop with Barry Patton
  • 2:30 to 3:00 –Dulcimer / Ukulele Playing – instruments provided or bring your own
  • 3:00 to 3:30 – Kids Concert with a surprise guest
  • 3:30 to 4:00 – Acoustic Kids Mini Showcase
  • 4:00 to 4:30 – Kids Jam – bring your own instrument or play a provided dulcimer, ukulele, or percussion instrument