51st Annual Walnut Valley Festival – Winfield, Kansas  

Photo Left to Right: 

:     2nd Steve Luper, Champ. Cindy Harris, 3rd George Haig

2nd Steve Luper, Champion, Cindy Harris, 3rd George Haig 

51st Annual Walnut Valley Festival – Winfield, Kansas  

Date: September 14, 2023                         Time: 12:05 p.m.  

Contest Name: 2023 International Autoharp Championship  

Champion:  Cindy Harris  

City/State/Zip:  Pittsburgh, PA  

Prize Instrument Selected:  Schreiber Autoharp Diatonic Autoharp – Greg Schreiber 354 Owl Hollow Rd, Millerstown, PA 17062 (717) 418-2775 schreiberautoharps.com  

2nd Place:     Steve Luper  

City/State/Zip: Andover, KS  

Prize Instrument Selected:  Whippoorwill Acoustics Luthier’s Choice Autoharp – Whippoorwill Acoustics, 111 N. Miller St, Paw Paw, MI 49079 260-249-5561 whippoorwillacoustics.com  

3rd Place:         George Haig  

City/State/Zip: Dunfermline, Scotland  

Prize Instrument Selected: N/A  

Runners up: Loriann Clayton-Bethard, Kansas City, MO, and Michael Poole, Chapel Hill, NC  

9 contestants from 7 states 2 countries (Scotland, USA) 

Office Hours


9am-Noon; 1pm to 5pm